Old Pictures of Arbil, Hawler...
The reason I am uploading only three or so pictures per page, is that I have very slow connection and I can't upload all of them in only sing page, sorry for that...
Now, enjoy watching these unique great pictures of our beloved city, Hawler.

This picture taken at 1953, more than half century before now, you can see the place of "Mechko Chayxane" from this picture, which is the oldest "Chayaxane" tearoom in Hawler. It was a place and still a place for educated people to meet and discuss the political and social issues facing Kurd and the world.
I was only a kid when I used to go to there with my father and drink a tea, a popular drink here in Hawler and other parts of Kurdistan.

Look to the old man with Kurdish clothes, still it's a custom to the old people to wear Kurdish cloths.

Much have changed since that time.
1 comment:
Very very nice pictures, please publish more of these old pictures of Hawler..
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