- Late Soran Mama Hama, Symbol of Freedom -
Sadly, this is the price that free man should pay, this is the tax that you should pay when you try to raise your voice, when you report on the responsible people here in South Kurdistan, the most stable and secure portion of newly Iraq....
Soran Mama Hama, a young 23 years old journalist, wrote articles for one of the Kurdish language Sulaimaniyah based independent magazine here in Kurdistan "
Livin" who have been assassinated by unknown armed men, in Kirkuk on 22nd of this month, after publishing some articles, which seems to be against some "gangsters" in this region...
Here is the link to the last published article to the late journalist Soran Mama Hama.
click here.It's in Kurdish and talking about the "Prostitution Phenomenon in Kirkuk city" and how many officials in the government involved, even he said that he has a list of these officials but for some "social aspects", we (
Livin Magazin) are not going to publish it now....
Here is some reactions to his assassination:
Human rights and press freedom monitors are strongly condemning the murder of Iraqi-Kurdish journalist Soran Mama Hama.
In an interview with the
Voice of America's Kurdish Service, Ahmed Mira, editor-in-chief of Livin paid tribute to the courageous young journalist:
"Without a doubt, Soran Mama Hama was of one of the most prominent and professional of journalists, with a great future in front of him."
Joel Campagna, Middle East Program Coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists, said:
"We are extremely concerned about the death of Soran Mama Hama. It's a frightening attack on a journalist which, I think, will send a chilling message to all journalists unless those responsible for this terrible crime are identified and brought to justice."
His murder made an echo among Kurdish people and so many articles wrote on this occasion, but what I liked the most was this article:
""Kurdish reactions to Soran’s assassination""Soran Mama Hama was assassinated by yesterday’s robbers and today’s murderers
By Kaywan Hawrami – Halabja, 27 July 2008
Translated by Dr Kamal Mirawdeli
For God’s sake, every day they give us a new model of evil deeds as present: robbery, working as mercenaries for enemies (jashayati), corruption, dictatorship, murder, mafia, etc. These all have been the models that [Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) have been offering us. Once people were praying that we would get rid of these robbers, then they became jash (paid mercenaries) of [regional] countries and they are still doing this; then they became dictators and have smothered the country with their injustice; then dictatorship was not sufficient for them they became mafia groups.
For long time people were praying that they would give up robbery but God made them worse; they became jash of regional countries and sold our country and thus became dictators without spending much effort. However, jashayati came to an end, and then they offered new models to us all of which were utterly useless for this country. For some years now they have introduced a new model to us called the model of being-mafias.
This model is very old in Europe but it has recently reached Kurdistan and been applied by our officials. One of the tasks of these mafia groups is to persecute and martyr those journalists who say the truth. The first martyr was Dr Abdulsattar Tahir Sharif. The latest is Soran Mama Hama. Both of them were killed by these two parties. Both of them were critical of Kurdish power: Abdulsattar criticised and exposed their past, Soran exposed their present. That is why they killed both of them
But these mafias do not give a damn about the truth; they do not know how to look at the facts. They only know how to kill, how to steal the wealth and property of people, they have come to ruin the country and prevent anyone from saying anything. They want to rewrite Kurdish history with their filthy hands and inherit it to us. How idiotic, blind and ignorant they are.
The president of the region and his vassals think that by martyring Kaka Soran they can silence us! These mafias think that anyone saying the truth has crossed the red line! Again I repeat: how idiotic you are! I am afraid this all what you are capable of thinking and use this mentality for brutality. You do not know that by martyring Kaka Soran you have only sharpened the points of our pens. I am surprised by your ignorance!
When I heard the news of the assassination of Soran Mama Hama I immediately believed that it is your job because apart from ignorant people like you no one else [in Kurdish society] resorts to rusty bullets. You still have these rusty bullets in your pockets that the [Ba’thist] regime had offered to you so that you would complete the work that the regime had started. I see no difference between you and the previous Ba’th regime because both of you are inspired by a rotten mind, both of you are the product of a rotten culture and mentality of the Medieval ages, Both of you have been nurtured by the filthy milk of A’flaq {Ba’th], It is enough, From now on we will face each other: you with your rusty knives and we with the points of our pens. You with your weapons; and we with our consciences. Let us who will win the future!
RIP kaka Soran...